It's named after a non-fictional network that linked trade routes that connected Eastern, Southern, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean and European world. The trade routes were significant in not only trading items, but also a cultural exchange that took place for thousands of years. The Silk Road marketplace or website, is an online black market. Three common items that are frequently bought and sold are heroin, cannabis, and LSD. Thankfully there are rules to the site, in regards to what users can and can't buy.
Here's some of things that aren't prohibited to be sold and purchased on The Silk Road
- stolen credit card numbers
- counterfeit currency
- firearms
- personal information
- assassinations
- weapons of mass destruction
- underage pornography
Some governments actively block information that their citizens are "allowed" to view, even though the information may not be offensive or illegal. Oppressive governments control access to information as a means of subduing and controlling their people. Information is freedom, and the Tor provides freedom to those who aren't lucky enough to have it.
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