A loss of life will likely one day be necessary to ensure the lives of significantly more people in Korea, this is an unfortunate reality. The threats and rhetoric are tools used by the North are a means of increasing the countries control and influence over others, including foreign and domestic. I see North Korea as a child who desperately wants it peers to recognize its strength and importance (they're going about it the wrong way).
It's important to remember that these are just threats, and mostly idle ones at that. The US could easily turn North Korea into the largest Dust Bowl in the world, especially with China (North Korea's closest ally) distancing themselves from the North. In fact it's in China's best interest to keep distancing themselves from North Korea as the vast majority of people would support military action against North Korea. Currently North Korea has very little "world wide" public support. By North Korea increasing the rhetoric they're actually making the case for military intervention seem much more justified.
However, this is not a time for Cowboy Politics. This is a time for understanding and observation. There's absolutely no justification at this moment for military intervention. This could change rapidly in the coming weeks and months - especially if the North openly attacks the South. I'm glad that the American government is "keeping their finger off the trigger". Obama in my opinion is going about this the right way, even though Conservatives accuse the president's position as being "weak". People would like the president to send a message to the North, however a good leader uses military strength only as a last option.
Thinking before acting is something we socialize into our children from an early age, however people often forget how important it is.
"Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write" - John Adams